Rain...argh. We got a little rained out this past weekend. Tarps on, tarps off, tarps on, tarps off. Then we were even working under tarps. By the way that is not fun. Mosquitoes love it under the tarp! I am itching like crazy this week.

When it wasn't raining my mom and I were working away at the walls. Cory and my dad were working on getting water. My dad built a cribbing to work in the hole. It looks like were are mining for gold.

First they dug as far as they could. Then we rented a jack hammer in town and they went to work on driving the sand point. We all took a turn on the hammer. It'll rattle your brains out. I had never tried it before.. now I can put that on my resume.

After a lot of hard work here is what we got at about 15 feet. Listen carefully.
Water!!! It was a very exciting moment. Then that moment ended, we broke a pipe and another piece we needed and it starting raining again. To be continued.... Keep your fingers crossed.
My dad also brought up some arrowheads to put in the wall.

Hopefully this weekend the weather will corporate with us.
Till next time
Wow, you're doing such a great job. We're learning so much from 'watching' you all. Keep up the good work. We'll hope you are done with rain for now!